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 Free Backlink Generator: Create Links Easy - Backlink Generator

Our backlink generator tool creates natural & high-quality backlinks for your website. Just enter your website URL and start generating free backlinks by tapping the "Generate Backlinks" button.
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This tool is designed for creating links that assist a website by improving its SEO and ranking on search engine result pages. Improving your website and its pages’ rankings on SERP is the ultimate purpose of this free backlink generator. Creating links is one of the most important factors for enhancing search engine optimization. There are several ways to create backlinks free, but they require the investment of time, effort, and money. However, this auto backlink generator tool is an efficient way of creating links that execute the job in a matter of seconds.

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If you want your website to achieve the top position in search engine result pages for increasing organic traffic, then you have to follow tactics to improve SEO. As mentioned earlier, building links is one of the essential tactics of SEO, but this strategy isn’t easy to execute. Therefore, taking the help of a backlink builder tool can be of great significance if you aim to build free backlinks.
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Link to Websites Related to Your Niche:
Creating links doesn’t mean that you should start using black hat links building tactics. The links pointing towards your website should be related to your niche as search engine crawlers are smart enough to differentiate between natural links and paid links. Free website backlinks that are always related to your site niche otherwise they will be considered as bad-quality links, and it will negatively affect your rankings.
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Get your Site Indexed by Search Engines:
Backlink builder tool creates free links to the webpages of your site and will improve its backlink profile and image in the eyes of visitors and search engines. If your website is new, then builds high-quality links by using a free backlink maker, it will eventually be noticed and get indexed by search engine bots.
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The more the number of links pointing towards your site, the better. Generate a number of links by our backlink maker. But, it shouldn’t be forgotten that the quality of links matters more than their quantity according to the latest updates of search engine ranking algorithms. A while back, many SEOs create backlinks online of low quality to achieve top rankings in SERP. But now, this strategy no longer works in favor of websites as low-quality backlinks lead to a downfall in ranking and even deindexing from SERP. Creating free website backlinks using tools is also helpful in rankings. Links are considered as a signal of trust other websites have on a particular webpage. These signals are used by search engines to give a rank to your site. But before that, the quality of links is determined by search engines.
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Apart from using our free backlink generator, there are a number of techniques that you can follow to create backlinks free of high-quality. You should understand and make them part of your overall link building strategy if you want to see fruitful results for your website. Let’s look at some of the best link building strategies you can use alongside auto backlink generators.

1. Guest blogging:
Guest blogging is the easiest and effective way of making links to your website. All you have to do is find the sites that accept guest blogs in your niche and provide them a high-quality blog. In return, your site will earn free website backlinks from these sites.
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2. Find broken links:
The availability of a broken backlink checker has made this tactic a piece of cake. You can check the broken backlinks of the sites working in your niche, notify them, and as an alternative, ask them to provide your site a link. As you’ll be doing them a favor, they will most probably provide a link to your site.

3. Social media:
Social media is a great platform for promoting your website and brand. By using this platform, you can reach a wide audience and share the images, videos, and blogs that would attract them. As a result, the URL of your website will be shared several times, and it will improve your backlink profile.

The backlink quality is evaluated on both individual and overall basis of your backlink profile by Google. The quality of the free backlinks pointing towards your site will be evaluated by Google on the basis of the following factors:
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Page Relevancy:
The relevance of web pages linking to your content is the first thing that Google looks upon. For instance, if you have a technology-related site, then the links must arrive from techno sites. If this doesn’t happen and your website is receiving links from food or fitness blogs, then the link will be regarded as a low or bad quality one.

Anchor text adjustment:
Anchor text is the clickable text on a site that leads the users to the page it’s linking to. The anchor should be adjusted naturally in the content as Google crawlers evaluate it while crawling a page. The URL that the anchor is linking to must be relevant to the content, and it can be understood from the example explained in the above point.
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Link position:
A web page consists of 5 sections, but the adjustment of backlinks in all of these areas wouldn’t generate similar results. Link adjustment in the body content section of a webpage is considered valuable by Google. The backlinks adjusted in other areas of a page aren’t valued as much as the ones in the body content.
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Universally, search engine currently drives the most traffic to websites. It beats social by 300% and also does better than both direct and referral traffic.

The secret to getting a huge number of traffic to your website? Sit atop search engine results pages (SERPs).
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But how can you do that?

The answer: BACKLINKS!

Together with quality content, backlinks form the most important factor for ranking high on some search engines, particularly Google.
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In other words, if you need traffic, you need search. And to get search, you need backlinks.

And technically, if you joke with building backlinks you're joking with gaining good rankings on Google and other search engines.

But generating high-quality backlinks to your website isn't always the easiest of things to do. In fact, it could be an exacting task requiring a focused expertise to accomplish.

There are literally millions of websites on the Interweb and many more are being created every day. The competition to rank on top of search engines keeps getting stiffer among these websites day after day.

And it doesn't end there: After getting to the first page, you have to fight to stay there as there are usually competitors who constantly desire that position.

Thus, you have to use every legitimate tactic available to you (content, backlinks, etc.) to get to the top of search and remain there.
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We understand the importance of backlinks. We also know that it is no easy job to create them. That's why we've created this result-guaranteed, premium-quality backlink generator, Backlink Maker by SmallSEOTools.
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Backlink Maker is the web’s #1 tool for instantly generating quality backlinks to your website.

Built with SEO best practices in mind and in accordance with Google’s recommended link building guidelines, Backlink Maker does a clean job at building free high-value backlinks and bringing you closer to the top of SERPs.

You can generate a huge number of genuine, quality backlinks in a matter of seconds. It's like magic, but it's real.

It doesn't require any effort from your end other than entering your website URL and clicking on a button. The rest of the magic happens automatically, generating scads of backlinks right before your very own eyes while you're sitting there and probably sipping soda :-)

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Given Backlink Maker’s undeniable elaborateness and its ability to deliver amazing results, you may think that the tool won't be easy to use. But that's actually the opposite.
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Backlink Maker is super-awesome in terms of features and delivery of results, yet it is super-easy to use. In fact, you can use the tool in just about three simple steps:
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  • Step #1: Get on this page ( where you are right now.
  • Step #2: Enter the URL of the website you want to build backlinks for in the space provided.
  • Step #3: Click on the “Make Backlink” button to perform the magic.

The tool will immediately show you a list of relevant websites and then start generating the backlinks for your site from each of the sites in the list, automatically.

If a backlink is created successfully, you'll see the green ‘tick’ sign; if not, a red ‘x’ sign will appear, all under the “Status” column.

The newly created backlinks may not have immediate impact on your rankings. That's because the changes will take time to take effect on the indexes of search engines. But after some time, your search results will definitely improve.

We do have other relevant tools that can help you further in your backlinking and SEO efforts, including our awesome Backlink Checker, Link Tracker, and Keyword Position Checker tools.
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Why should I use it
To improve your rankings. It is important that all the links lead to your website should be trustworthy and high-quality. Websites with good backlink profiles have higher positions in SERP.

To prevent the website from spam anchors. Sometimes your competitors can play hard and build bad backlinks to your website, so your anchor cloud becomes spammy. The best way to react immediately: use disavow tool and add some trustful links with no anchor text.
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To boost your new website. When you launch a new website, not always you have a big budget. Get free backlinks and add some trust to your website in a few moments. Many people think that links are only built for SEO, but backlinks are the best way to spread your authority and brand through the web. Our tool provides you with easy and free high-quality backlinks to help your site be noticed by search bots.
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How to use backlink maker properly
Combine it with other tools and make your link building strategy more varied.
Backlink Maker is the best way for newborn websites to get the first backlinks in a few seconds.
Backlink Checker is the best way to find organic backlinks that were built to your growing website.
Backlink Tracker is a great way to research what of your backlinks have the biggest impact on your rankings.
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Top 8 Backlink Strategies To Boost Your Traffic
Backlinks are undoubtedly one of the most important factors when it comes to website ratings done by Google. Of course, there are also various other aspects you should pay attention to — but make no mistake. By obtaining bad-quality, low relevance backlinks, you could lose a lot of traffic. Therefore, let’s focus on the most critical strategies for acquiring backlinks for your website.
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Keep in mind that not every strategy is of the same quality. Here are eight different but highly successful strategies that you can apply. It is up to you which one you choose, as they have all been tested and recommended by various website owners before.
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Related: 6 Elements Your Link-Building Campaign Must Include

1. Reclaim unlinked mentions
The most straightforward and basic strategy to improve your SEO ratings with backlinks is to reclaim unlinked mentions. To put it simply, just keep track of any mentions of your brand. You can do this either for free, by using Google itself, or by getting a paid app, like BuzzSumo or Mentions and acquiring access to extra stats.

If you notice that an author of a blog post or the website owner hasn’t included a link to your webpage when mentioning you, you can always ask them to reconsider. First of all, that would guarantee their visitors a better experience (as they can immediately travel to your webpage), and secondly, you get additional bandwidth. No matter how you look at it, it’s a win-win situation.
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2. Use contextual links
Another strategy many opt for is using contextual links. It’s a great option, especially if you wish to enrich your content with additional resources, such as a “read more” section. Of course, to use contextual links, you need first to determine who are your correct prospects.

In other words, if you have written up a summary of, let’s say, the top 10 best graphics cards of 2021, you should reach out to authors who have written similar text and are willing to recommend other articles. Of course, you will need to explain what makes cooperating with you reasonable and why your content is worth featuring.
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Using contextual links is not as easy as reclaiming unlinked mentions, but it sure pays off.

3. Become a source yourself
One of the most important things you can do to get more reputable backlinks is to become a source for other publishers yourself. You can do this by creating high-quality content worth being shared or cited by other publishers — and every time you do this, you’ll get a backlink!

Suppose you are capable of delivering top-tier content. In that case, you’ll find out this method is surprisingly easy.
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Remember that quality is not the only thing that counts, as you’ll also need to be quite speedy. Otherwise, the publisher may choose another source over you!

4. Remember to update old content
Remember to check for articles that haven’t been updated lately and then check how many backlinks that piece has. However, aim only for the best and pick only the articles referenced by many different sources, preferably the most reputable ones.
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Based on the details from the article you just found, create a new, “fresh” article after doing your research on the topic. Remove the statements and calculations that were proven wrong, and enrich the text with data only available after the original article was published.

Once you do this, you can contact the website owners who used the old article as a source and inform them about your new, updated version. They will be more than happy to use your data, and you’ll earn a brand new high-quality backlink.

5. Build free tools
This strategy requires skills. But if you got what it takes, you can create a real backlink machine. Adequately building that type of tool can even get you new leads.
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It is, however, important that you choose the correct tool to build. So, do some research on the keywords first. You can, for example, see what comes up if you input the text “generator” or “template”. Next, figure out what type of tool is currently earning the most backlinks for your competitors.

Then simply proceed to create the best tool you can. The process may not be easy, rest assured that this strategy is by far one of the best ones you can opt for.

Related: How to Make an App When You Can't Code (a Step-by-Step Guide)
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6. Publish complete guides
Another thing you may try to generate as many quality backlinks as possible is guide writing. Keep in mind, however, that the guides need to be detailed, comprehensive and technical while being written in an easy-to-understand manner to be successful. Pick the topic you specialize in the most as you’ll have the highest chance of writing up a high-quality guide.

Much like a free tool, top-notch guides will pretty much attract publishers on their own, for they know that a complete, detailed guidebook on a given subject will turn out to be a huge help to their clients and a huge time saver for themselves!
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7. Use a variety of images and gifs
Images and infographics are by far the best ways to present data and to engage followers too. They are as much — if not more — capable of earning you a decent amount of high-quality backlinks as your text content, so do not ever hesitate to add them to any of your articles and blog posts.

Charts, graphs, diagrams with data, some graphic templates and even free photo galleries are good to use. You have many options to choose from, so picking the right one for your webpage shouldn’t be too hard. Remember that quality counts as much as quantity.
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The choice is all yours, but in general, you should always attach at least one high-quality image per article.
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Related: 7 Must-Use Tools for Building an Infographic

8. Use broken links to your advantage
If you have found any topically similar website with broken outbound links, do not hesitate to contact its owner and propose they update the link to instead direct the users to one of your pages. Using this method is yet another example of how with the right approach, everybody wins. You get an excellent, new backlink, the owner can fix broken articles and the readers get a better experience.
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Of course, you will have to use proper SEO tools to pick the right websites for your business. There are, however, many options for you to choose from, so you can easily pick the one that suits your needs the best. Remember: Backlinks are invaluable, and a good SEO tool will help you acquire them and more. 
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25 Free SEO Tools To Enhance Your Website + Grow Your Brand
Want to achieve better SEO results for the lowest possible cost?
SEO tools track the health of your website. They give you actionable data to make it more successful by identifying opportunities and weaknesses that could prevent you from ranking high in SERPs (search engine results pages).
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Why SERPs are fundamental for SEO
When most people search, they click organic results on the first page of the SERPs and seldom visit page two.
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This is why it’s critical to rank on the first page of Google — if your site appears on page two or beyond, you’re practically invisible.

The top 3 Google search results get 75.1%25 of all clicksThe top 3 Google search results get 75.1% of all clicks

1. Google Pagespeed Insights
Google Pagespeed Insights checks the speed and usability of your site on multiple devices.
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Enter a URL, and the tool will test the loading time and performance for desktop and mobile and identify opportunities to improve.
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The mobile results also come with a user experience (UX) score, grading areas such as top targets and font sizes.
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2. Moz Local Listings Score
Moz’s Local Listing Tool enables you to see how your local business looks online.

Moz crunches data from more than 10 different sources — including Google, Yelp, and Facebook — to score your brick-and-mortar business on how it looks online.

Results come complete with actionable fixes for inconsistent or incomplete listings.
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3. Moz Link Explorer
Moz Link Explorer offers a complete overview of your website, pages, and links.
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The free version gives you a quick look at the full range of link analysis, including the most impactful links coming your way and your most linked-to pages.

4. Keywordtool.Io
Keywordtool.Io gives you hundreds of keyword ideas based on a single keyword that you enter.

It provides a vast number of long-tail keyword opportunities and also answers common questions.
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5. Google Analytics
Google Analytics offers complete website stats and search insights.

In addition to tracking your website traffic, it also surfaces many keyword insights into which terms people use to get to your page.

6. Google Structured Data Testing Tool
Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool uses live data to validate the structured data for any web page.
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Structured data, also known as schema markup, is often referred to as the “language of search engines.” It makes it easier for search engines to contextualize, understand, and accurately match website content to relevant search queries.
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7. Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools
Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools both do constant website analysis and create error reports and alerts.
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They help you see what the two top search engines think of your site and reveal bugs and indexing issues.

8. Google Keyword Planner
Google’s Keyword Planner tells you what people are searching for.

Enter a keyword or a group of keywords, and the tool will return an array of helpful stats to steer your keyword strategy, including monthly search volume, competition, and suggested terms you may not have discovered.
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There are many alternatives to the Google Keyword planner — check out this post for more information.
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9. Google Trends
Google Trends enables you to see the relative search popularity of topics.

It shows popular search terms over time, which helps uncover seasonal variations in search popularity, and more.
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10. Google Business Review Link Generator
Customer reviews are vital for local SEO. The Google Business Review Link Generator creates a custom, shareable link for people to review your business on Google.

11. Google.Com in an Incognito Window
Searching Google.Com in an incognito window will bring up a list of autofill options, which can help guide your keyword research.
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Being incognito ensures that any customized search data Google stores when you’re signed in is left out. Here are instructions for how to open an incognito window in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

12. Google SERP Snippet Optimization Tool
The Google SERP Snippet Optimization Tool from Higher Visibility previews how your pages will look in Google search results.
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It helps you strategically construct page titles and meta description tags that will result in eye-catching listings in Google’s search results even before you publish a page or post.
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13. Ahrefs’ Backlink Checker
Ahrefs’ Backlink Checker provides comprehensive link analysis.

The free version shows the top 100 backlinks to your website, along with the total number of backlinks and referring domains. Results include domain rating (DR) and URL rating (UR), where applicable.
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14. Ahrefs SEO Toolbar
Ahrefs’ SEO Toolbar delivers instant SEO metrics for web pages and Google searches.

You can see how much traffic your web pages get each month, how many keywords they rank for, how many backlinks they have, etc.

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It also shows the search volume, CPC (cost per click), and difficulty of every keyword you enter.

15. Ahrefs SEO Checker
Ahrefs’ SEO Checker gives a complete on-page analysis of your website.

It performs a comprehensive on-page analysis and uncovers issues such as missing alt tags, heading structure errors, and page bloat.
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16. JSON-LD Schema Creator
The JSON-LD Schema Creator enables you to customize how your pages appear in search results.

It creates custom code to display your reviews, events, organization, and people the way you want on SERPs.

17. SimilarWeb
Use SimilarWeb to view site stats for any domain.
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It estimates how much traffic a website gets and shows a breakdown of traffic sources, locations, and more. It’s beneficial for competitor research.

18. SERPRobot
SERPRobot shows you your ranking position for up to 5 keywords.

You can check your competitors’ rankings, too.

19. XML Sitemaps
XML Sitemaps creates an XML sitemap that you can submit to Google, Bing, and other search engines to help them crawl your website better.

Free for up to 500 pages.

BROWSEO lets you see your website the way a search engine sees it.

Enter your site, and the tool will strip out everything but the basics, revealing how search spiders view your website.
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21. SEO Site Checkup
SEO Site Checkup audits your website for on-page and technical SEO issues.

It checks for proper tags and surfaces any errors that come up.
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22. Yoast SEO
The Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin ensures that your site meets the highest technical SEO standards. It also contains tools to optimize your content for SEO and overall readability.

When you’ve written a draft post, enter its main keyword and Yoast SEO will suggest how to tweak the content to optimize it for search engines.
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23. LinkMiner
LinkMiner checks webpages for broken links and pulls metrics on those links.

It’s a Chrome extension that checks the HTTP status of all links on a page and highlights all broken (404) links in red.
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24. Copyscape
Copyscape checks for duplicate content.

Enter a URL for a blog post or website, and the tool can tell you where else the content appears online.

25. Robots.Txt Generator
The Robots.Txt Generator creates an all-important robots.Txt file for your website.
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Search engines use robots (or user-agents) to crawl your pages. The robots.Txt file defines which parts of a domain can be crawled by them.
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Why are backlinks important?
Backlinks show search engines like Google that your site is a valuable resource. Because other sites are linking to it, it is likely more trustworthy.

How can I get more backlinks?
There are several ways to get more backlinks, from broken link building, building a community presence, and content marketing.


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